Apenas a língua chinesa nos permite fazer isto!

Depois de mostrar um texto que só a língua portuguesa nos permite escrever, eis aí um em chinês:

Ouça a narração, é uma história inteira!!

Em Chinês:



"The story of Mr. Shi eating lions"
Once upon a time, there was a poet named Mr. Shi who was really fond of lions and lived in a stone room. He vowed to eat ten lions. Mr. Shi visited the market from time to time. One day, at ten o'clock, ten lions happened to arrive at the market. And at that moment, Mr. Shi happened to arrive at the market too. Mr. Shi saw there were ten lions, and he killed them with arrows. Mr. Shi picked up the corpses, and took them back to the stone room. But the stone room was wet, so Mr. Shi ordered the servant to scrub and clean the room. When the room was cleaned, Mr. Shi began to eat the ten dead lions. But when he was eating, he found out that the corpses of the ten dead lions he had brought back were actually lion corpses made of stone. Can you explain this?

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